LAI SEGA OutRun Restoration Update 6

Last weekend my wife kindly helped my take the cabinet for a ride from the garage to the house. It wasn’t an easy process as it had to go along the road (where several cars passed us) and down a second driveway at around a 40 deg drop. Then it had to go down and up a few stairs. It was kinda scary and I had a feeling that we would all end up in a heap at the bottom of the house. I’m happy to say we all survived !
The cab is now in the house and my wife couldn’t be happier …..mmmm #arcadewife 
I lined up the side art and found it needed trimming around the top curves. After taping  it down to the cab I used a specially crafted piece of Lego taped to a pencil to mark a 6mm line around the edges and then trimmed it.
The final result came out really well and there’s a nice even edge between the side art and the Newly fitted T-Molding.

I will do a further update to this post later this weekend with progress to the CP.

Finally after many many hours of work it’s starting to all come together.

LEGO SEGA Mini Creations

Today I have come across a great LEGO project that  user SPACEYSMOKE created and has uploaded to the LEGO IDEAS website. 

He has recreated 3 great SEGA games from the past …….


Space Harrier


Not only has he done a great job of these he’s also included a Yu Suzuki Minifig (falls to the floor in disbelief ) pure genius!!!

Having created a working LEGO OutRun Deluxe I know this project has taken a lot of effort to do and to also proffesionally upload it to LEGO Ideas has taken time and dedication. 

Even though this kind of project is very specific to a fan of Yu Suzuki / SEGA arcade games please support this guy and let see how many supporters it can gain. 10000 will get it to view stage.

Installing Cannonball The OutRun Enhanced Engine to the JXD GAMEPAD

Cannonball is a re programmed and enhanced version of SEGA’s OutRun by Chris White

Ported to Android (WIP) by Tim Leader
You can download the Android port at the link below

Below is the additional 15 stage continuous mode rolling through intro mode including in car view. I’ve shortened each stage to make it a 3 minute video. On 15 Stage continuous mode there is no fork in the road, the stages blend together and the music tracks play back to back.

Here’s how to install Cannonball to your JXD GAMEPAD

1. Download the .APK file to your JXD / ANDROID device from the link above.

2. Find the Cannonball.apk file on your JXD using the APKinstaller app that came with the JXD.

3.Select Install using the APKinstaller app.

4.install the file to your device.

5.Open the APKinstaller again and select ‘Manage’

6.Select the Cannonball file and select Export to create a Cannonball app Icon on your home screen.

OutRun & Other SEGA 3D Classics Confirmed for 2015

Today I woke up to a few messages from Damion Littlewood and Instagram buddy Kusanagi765 that while us in Australia were sleeping news had broke the SEGA had announced the second wave of 3D Classics would be released outside of Japan.

Current news is light but so far it’s been mentioned that Afterburner will be the first game released and each month a further game will be released. This is planned for early 2015.

The first wave games appeared almost weekly so we will just have to wait and see.

Custom Built OutRun Testarossa by Vic Veinz

We’ve seen a few excellent custom OutRun models before but this is a first for custom poseable figures.

Vic has used pieces from various other figures to create these custom OutRun characters. Alberto the driver of the ferrari was made with Wolverine arms. His face and head from Daredevil with painted black glasses . Clarissa uses parts from Street Fighter 2’s Cammy and other figures.


The Ferrari is a 1:12 scale Testarossa kit by Monogram. The car was modified into a convertible by cutting off the top half.


……..and the legendary OutRun crash!!!!!!!!!


Great job Vic!

You can see the original article here >>

The Real Shenmue Arcade

If you were like me back when the Japanese Dreamcast was out you picked up the Japanese Shenmue game. I couldn’t read Japanese so you spent a fair amount of time knocking on doors hoping that you’d find the right person to progress the story.

As you travelled down the street you came across a building call “You Arcade“. The doors slid open and you could here familiar arcade noises from games like Space Harrier, Hang On and OutRun.
I personally spent a lot of my Shenmue time in the arcade, it was a Yu Suzuki fans dream.

As fan of all of these games my ultimate dream would be to one day own these machine in a games room just like the You Arcade.

Some wonderful SEGA fans are already turning there dreams into a reality and the results are amazing.

Here’s a one that I’ve come across in recent months …..

This place below was put together by a SEGA fan in Japan who goes by the name on Twitter as @SHlove766 (SpaceHarrierLove)
Over many, many months he’s been restoring Space Harrier and OutRun and building an awesome surrounding to these games and more. Here some photos of his amazing room.



I will post some more next week, in the mean time Follow @SHlove766 on Twitter to see the progress of his arcade.

Click on the link here to see more great examples >> The Real Shenmue Arcade Page

OutRun Marquee Signed by Yu Suzuki

80’s electro music maker Kavinski ( the guy behind the music album OutRun) is a French celebrity who’s a big SEGA OutRun fan.
He’s already got a copy of Yu Suzuki Game Works personally signed by Yu and now he’s got an OutRun marquee signed.

Do you have anything signed by Yu Suzuki or have you ever met the legend behind OutRun?


3D OutRun confirmed for the Nintendo 3DS

OutRun fans rejoice , M2 will be releasing Yu Suzuki’s classic OutRun as part of the SEGA Classics download range in full 3D.
Little is currently known as yet over at SEGA Japan Game Archives Site but as soon as more info is revealed I’ll be covering it.

Let’s hope that they can keep true to the original car with the Ferrari Testerossa and we get a release date outside of Japan.

Thanks to forever Sonic over at Twitter for highlighting the news


OutRun UniDesa machine shared by David Perez,Alicante

OutRun fan David Paturlas Perez from
Alicante, Spain has sent me an email sharing a nice photo of a UniDesa OutRun Sitdown. He’s spent many a time playing this machine locally over the years.


Thanks for sharing David. I will add it to the Gallery page.

If you have any original OutRun related photos please share and I will post them